Out on the ice

Jennifer Kingsley
April 11, 2016

(Post 1 of 3)

Out on the ice! I’m driving, Eric’s photographing and Andrew Arreak is leading the way. We’re headed west from Pond Inlet, out past some gorgeous icebergs in pursuit of science.

The qamutik ahead of us is pulling a device that measures sea ice thickness. This is information that the community wants, and this partnership, through an initiiative called Ikaarvik, is going to deliver.

This way, traditional knowledge can be augmented by scientific data that will help with navigation and safety.

#meetthenorth #lindbladexpeditions #komatik #qamutik #fieldscience #arctic #nunavut #pondinlet #communityresearch #ikaarvik

A view over the shoulder of a snowmobile driver following behind a qamutik.