
Larsen and Davidsen at work.

Discovering the Craftwork of Sealskin

Meet the North’s latest Arctic Deeply story brings you into the workshop of two of Greenland’s traditional sealskin crafters. Soriina Davidsen and Vera Larsen explain the highs and lows of a controversial craft with a longstanding place in the country’s history. Davidsen and her coworker, Vera Larsen, spend long days here cutting, stitching and talking. The pair…

A pair of homemade winter boots.

Heat your feet

Form meets function. These what you need to survive on the ice. These ‘boots’ are made by Joanna Kunnuk. Some would call her a seamstress; I think of her as an engineer. I’m wearing two layers of warm booties under this fur, one with a legging that comes up over my knees. (I’ve never had…

A closeup of Janna Kunnuk's hands as she shows off some of her handiwork.

A true craftsperson

A true craftsperson, Joanna Kunnuk, gives us a tour of her work. Here you can see the detail in a pair of caribou pants. She explains that her craft is a mix of store bought and traditional materials and emphasizes that fur and skins are what keep people alive, even today. By making clothes for…