Jennifer Kingsley
September 11, 2015

(Post 2 of 2)

Welcome to the elf church. “It’s an easy place to let your imagination run wild,” says our guide and host, Dagný Ívarsdottír. This is where Dagný and her family stop to light sparklers and sing songs about the elves. About 20 people come out each year. The kids crawl around on the rocks while everyone sings. “You do it as a kid and you love it. As a teenager, it’s stupid, but then you love it again.” Some people think of elves as tiny beings in little red hats, others describe them in terms of spirit or mystery. In Dagný’s case, they are part of a tradition. “When you have a tradition so strong in you, it calms you down. No matter what else happens in life, you always have this.” This place has a magic to it, and there is plenty of mystery in the world.

Dagný Ívarsdottír takes us to the elf church