See within the sea within
Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir has spent years studying the power of intuition. She has encouraged me and many others to listen to ourselves, to see the world creatively, and to question the dominance of rational thought. It was a thrill to be in the audience for the Icelandic premiere of her film, Innsæi, in Reykjavik tonight. I highly recommend seeking out this story.
Some ideas I managed to scribble down in the dark theatre:
⭐️ we have shifted our attention from the world around us to the world we made
⭐️ given a chance, your intuition will spell out your purpose
⭐️ nature is the silent witness of intuition
⭐️ innsæi is the sea within, to see within, and to see from the inside out; it is to know yourself well enough to put yourself in other people’s shoes and bring the best out in you
This portrait by @eric_guth taken this summer as we passed the very peninsula Hrund recommended I visit in order to sit quietly and listen to myself. The better I get at this listening, the more connections I find between all of us.
#meetthenorth #lindbladexpeditions #north #arctic #natgeotravel #lovetheworld #innsaei #iceland #intuition #listen #stillness #snaefellsnes #innsæi