International Women’s Day
My love goes out to all of the women who have been my guides on this unpredictable path. This web of stories, woven by intuition, grows with each new thread. There are dozens more women and girls I could feature here, but I’m settling for one from each country we have visited so far with Meet the North. Happy International Women’s Day!
Clockwise from top left: Ana Lena Ekeblad (with her daughter’s rabbit), Longyearbyen, Svalbard; Sorine Petersen, Aasiaat, Greenland; Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir (and me), Reykjakik, Iceland; Joanna Innualuk Kunnuk, Pond Inlet, Canada.
#meetthenorth #internationalwomensday# march8 #lindbladexpeditions #natgeoexpeditions #svalbard #greenland #aasiaat #pondinlet #nunavut #canada #longyearbyen #iceland #reykjavik #snaefellsnes #youinspireme #womensday