Real life unicorn

Jennifer Kingsley
September 4, 2017

They seemed to be coming my way, so I turned my zodiac engine off. I hoped they would come closer, but I wasn’t prepared for the energy they brought as they surged forward. Waves, smooth skin, tusks, and the sound of mystery.

Narwhal are real life unicorns. They are quiet yet powerful. They are a joy and a surprise. And when they come close enough to look at you, it feels like you are in the water with them.

That evening, my friend Niore Ikalukjuaq pulled me aside and said, “You have been blessed today.”

Just before I fly across the Bering Strait this morning, I want to pass this blessing on to you.

Photographer Eric Guth was also in their path.

Narwhals are real life unicorns.