
Bumpy ride with some whale hunters in Russia.

Bumpy ride

Happy to get a ride from some whale hunters up the coast of the Bering Sea in Chukotka, but WOW was it uncomfortable. Bouncy! (Like, turn you black and blue kinda bouncy.) I think they took a bit of pleasure from watching us fly off the plywood while they sat on the lifejackets. Photo Eric Guth

A weathered wall in Russia.

Love is everywhere

This is like the heart. It has many ways of showing itself. This wall has been through a lot. We know that from its cracks, which we might call texture, but we know are also the signatures of experience. The windows, we might say, are broken. But breaking has opened them. Love is what you see…

Penguins in honour of year of the bird.

Stand out

Birds? You like ‘em? Check out my friend Jamie Coleman to get prepped for National Geographic’s Year of the Bird. It has been really fun to share some images from South Georgia this week … now let’s go back to the Arctic, shall we? P.S. It’s okay to stand out from the crowd. Photo Jamie Coleman