
Silhouettes of a hunters camp at sunset.

Arriving in darkness

Arriving at night. Silhouettes of the camp that will be our new temporary home, but the camps are always temporary out here. These reindeer herders move every season. In each new place, the yuranga’s roof poles, the outline of their shed, and smoke from the fire stand out against the sky. I love arriving to…

Narwhals are real life unicorns.

Real life unicorn

They seemed to be coming my way, so I turned my zodiac engine off. I hoped they would come closer, but I wasn’t prepared for the energy they brought as they surged forward. Waves, smooth skin, tusks, and the sound of mystery. Narwhal are real life unicorns. They are quiet yet powerful. They are a…

A window in Iceland.

Suffer less

“You listen with only one purpose, to help him empty his heart. . . You remember that you are helping him to suffer less.” – Thich Nhat Hanh Photo by Eric Guth #iceland #heart #backyard #sufferless#lindbladexpeditions #meetthenorth#instaiceland #akureyri#interviewtechniques #listen #listening#lawn #shed #deeplistening

Sledding on a snowmobile in Nunavut.

Take a drive

Come and take a ride with me. Seriously, I’m a pretty good driver! (Except for that time I almost flipped over.) Did you know that 85% of people say that they are better than average drivers? Not me though. I’m actually good Photo by Eric Guth #meetthenorth #lindbladexpeditions #nunavut #snowmobile #snowmobiling #sledding #snowmachine #shadow #ice #snow #seaice #instacanada #canada #canada150